Last week I flew to Lost Vegas and then drove to Palm Springs to help Dan with the job search. On the way I let the GPS dictate the route and it was pretty interesting - think desolate, very hot and not much else! It was between 105 and 110 every day in Palm Springs, which really isn't that bad because the humidity was only around 5%. However, a pool still feels really good in the hot weather; here is a shot of Dan at the pool behind his Mom's house.
Here he is from another angle; had to get some mountains in the background.
We ate at a restaurant one day and I thought the waiter summed up the weather situation there very well. He said that it is okay up to around 110 degrees, but when it gets to something like 115 to 120 degrees that is just too hot.
I drove back to Las Vegas using a different route. Just to the west of Palm Springs are a whole bunch of wind turbines, as shown in the picture (don't expect too much - I was driving!) below.
About 3 and a half hours later and after passing just south of Death Valley, I hit the Nevada state line, which is on the horizon in the picture below. You'll never guess what was on the Nevada
side of the border. Yes, a great big casino. When I got to my casino hotel in Lost Vegas, I desperately wanted to gamble away the 6 quarters I had in my pocket, but I couldn't quite figure out how to do it. In the good old days, slot machines would gladly "eat" quarters, but now the machines only accept paper money or coupons, whatever they are. So I didn't hit it big!
1 comment:
We tolerate the heat here until it hits 105 or more. Hard to stay cool unless you are IN water. Y'all should take a trip down here...we are near wind turbine mecca. We call them wind farms ;-)
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