Our friends, Rosie & Alanna, who are veteran river floaters inducted us into a Bend summer tradition.
Here are Amy, Alanna & Rosie as we started out.
Rosie has the ideal float. She hardly got wet at all! Just enough to stay cool.
You may have noticed that in order to navigate the current you must use your flip flops. They work great as long as you hold onto them. Luckily, they float!
Amy & Alanna stuck together and tried to pretend that they weren't with their Moms! I did manage to get close enough to get a few pictures.
Of course, there were lots of Canadian Geese sharing the river with us.
As you can maybe tell, the weather is spectacular! 80's and no humidity... After talking with my sister, Cindy, today and hearing about their string of high 90 degree weather with 'out of this world' humidity (southern IL), we can't complain!
What fun. It's pretty common here as well...however, I much prefer the comforts of our pool ;-) And after our trip to the ocean, I'm not sure Ellie will ever swim in water that isn't chlorinated and wildlife free.
Ooof! I'm envious! I've never floated down a river. and have ALWAYS wanted to!!!
Apparently there's a river about an hour or so away from here, so MAYBE i'll get my shot here in Korea.
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