Thursday, July 22, 2010

Mt St Helens

Last week we drove up into Washington and met an old GE walking buddy of Dan's, Rick Sheldon. Dan and Rick used to walk every day at lunchtime. When we were back in NY in June they met up at their usual spot and walked again. This time Rick was the one doing the traveling. He and his wife had just completed an exciting Alaskan Cruise and while his wife was busy with other interests Rick met up with us at Mt. St. Helens.

It has been 30 years since the blast and Rick remembers brushing dust from the volcano off his car in NY. We were all impressed by the Visitor Center, movie presentation & exhibits. What is left of the mountain is also pretty awesome. We had a spectacular day to enjoy all the sites. After about 6 hours together Rick rejoined his wife in Tacoma and we drove back to Portland to spend the night.

After breakfast at IKEA - yum! - we did some shopping then raspberry/blueberry/cherry picking at Olson's Farm just outside Salem right off the highway & then home to Bend. It was a great 2 day adventure.

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