Thursday, August 7, 2008

Black Butte

Dan's view from the top of Black Butte
Mt. Jefferson is on the left and you can just make
out Mt. Hood towards the middle right.

Well, we attempted to hike up Black Butte this week. Only part of our group made it all the way. Black Butte is a 6436' Cinder Cone just west of Sisters, OR. We drove part way up with the 2 dogs ready to take on this big "hill". About 3/4's of the way up Amy decided she had to quit, so Bella & I stayed with her, eating our lunch on a log along the path. We greeted hikers descending and waited as Dan & Charlie continued on. Dan is planning a day trip up the South Sister (10000+') in the next few weeks with some other guys. We'll keep you posted on his conquest!

North & South Sister - Middle Sister is hidden behind North

Three Fingered Jack

Mt. Washington

1 comment:

Deja said...

What incredible views and photos! Not ANYTHING like the flat, brownness of West Texas! Hope you're surviving your heat wave. We're getting lots of rain. It's been quite a while since we've had rain, so I'm not complaining. But the kids are, because they can't go swimming!