1 - to do something fun on Amy's Spring Break
2 - to shop at a REAL mall, something that Bend is lacking.
3 - to visit with Nan and meet her boyfriend, Jason.
4 - to get Amy to an audition for the Oregon Ballet Theater's Summer Intensive.
So, on Friday we drove over the mountains and directly to the Washington Square Mall in Portland and Amy shopped to her hearts content. We even had a chance to "play" with the ipad 2 and the iphone at the Apple store. FUN! We checked into our hotel and promptly went over to IKEA for a delicious dinner of Swedish Meatballs and Gravlax (smoked salmom) mmmmmmmmm! I should note, that Amy, the vegetarian, had a veggie wrap!
On Saturday we decided to motor to the coast since we were so close and we hadn't seen the ocean since last February. We had made plans with Nan to get together for dinner so we had the whole day to explore a part of the coast we hadn't been to before. First stop - Seaside -
Amy needed to stretch her legs after an hour in the car! ;)
Next stop was Astoria, where the Columbia River meets the ocean. We took a bit of time to look at a shipwreck from 1906 - very cool!
Then, it was back to Portland to keep our date with Nan & Jason. Little did we suspect that they had some very exciting news to share with us. It wasn't until we were seated with our food and eating/conversing that I noticed a bit of sparkle on Nancy's left ring finger. I had told her when they first came in that she was glowing and looked so beautiful - now we knew why! Instead of meeting Jason, the boyfriend we met Jason, the fiance! They were barely 24 hours into their engagement - What a privilege to hear the whole story - in person! The Lord has truly brought them together in a special way and we are so very happy for them!
On Sunday, Amy was supposed to have her audition but she decided that she did not want to go thru the stress of another audition - so instead we went to church at Imago Dei, bought fresh veggies at an Asian grocery store and came home over the very snowy mountain pass.
Amy returned to school on Monday and Dan & I went skiing. Sounds fair to me! Mt. Bachelor had 12" of new powder Sunday night and it was a great day on the mountain. Pretty nice way to finish the weekend and/or start a new week! Which ever way you want to look at it.
It was a memorable weekend, to say the least!