OK, I've been a bit remiss....
School started last Tuesday, 9/8 and although Amy
said she was not happy about starting 7th grade her actions over this past week "spoke" louder than her words.
Action 1: She now gets herself up @ 5:35am to shower, dress & eat with no 'help' from me. This is NEW! Dan & I still get up @ 5:55am - this is not new.
Action 2: Although there is quite a bit of grumbling about homework she has been totally self starting and even spent
all Friday afternoon and evening working on 2 projects that aren't even due for a few weeks.
Action 3: Last night, after ballet, she immediately wanted to start another project involving papier mache and all I could think about was the mess!! and "wasn't she tired?" and "didn't she want to relax?" Then I thought "What am I doing? She wants to do homework! Go for it!" So, she did...
Here she is with her friend, Alanna, who she walks to the bus with every morning.

Charlie & Bella were quite forlorn without Amy but that was about to change!

We had a house guest! Lola was coming to stay with us while her owners, our neighbors and dog/bunny sitters, were going to England for 8 days. It's a great situation - they take care of our animal family while we are away and we do the same for them. Lola is a restless soul - while our dogs sleep away the afternoon, she is constantly on the prowl! Bella is usually the target and they did have quite a bit of fun. Although this next picture may paint a different story!!

The real story of our Lola Saga does not even involve Lola. It involves the mystery of the lost house keys. You see, in addition to Lola there were 2 kitties that needed to be fed daily and
someone - who shall remain nameless - misplaced the keys on the 2nd day. Needless to say, our house was searched, the ground between our 2 homes was searched, the river trail where we walk was searched, the neighborhood association, Parks & Rec Dept., & Police
were called and emails flew back and forth across the Atlantic. Finally, our home builders warranty guy came and helped Dan break into the house. The cats went 24 hours without food - not a calamity for cats but... we are still looking for the keys. The Police suggested Craigslist & the newspapers Lost & Found, which we are still checking daily. They will turn up - I know it! Our neighbors are home and they still seem to like us!
Dan and a few friends will climb the South Sister on Saturday. We have been watching the weather because this is their 3rd attempt, so far. The first one was planned for early August and there was just too much snow still blocking the trail. The 2nd attempt was for 9/5 and the mountains were socked in by clouds with "white stuff" revealed the next day when it cleared up. So, we'll see if it's a go this weekend.
We took this picture on our walk this morning - the clouds are above
and below Broken Top with a bit of snow showing up on South Sister just hidden by the tree on the right. I'm sure Dan will post some pictures if all goes as planned on Saturday.

If we hadn't stopped to take a picture this morning I don't think we would have made this discovery.

It has to be the skull of an elk - it's just so big! We brought it home and will try to place it somewhere in the backyard landscape where the dogs can't get to it.
Hopefully, Amy will not be too grossed out!