Wednesday, November 5, 2008

2 more good things about living in OR

This just came to mind over the last few weeks. Now that the election is over....
We went from living in one "blue" state to another but there are significant differences. Aside from a more fiscally responsible state government (significantly lower taxes is always good in my book), the simple process of voting is so much better. A few weeks ago we recieved our ballots in the mail and a week ago, Dan & I each spent a couple of hours marking our ballots. The Bend Bulletin - our local paper - had an online site outlining all the individuals running for office & their views and the site also explained the 15 or so state measures that were up for a vote. For once, I really felt like I was voting intelligently and had an opportunity to make my voice heard.
The 2nd "good thing" is a little more selfishly minded. We now live on the West Coast - that means the election was officially called @ 9pm and we were able to hear McCain give his best speech of the campaign and also witness history by hearing Obama's victory speech AND be in bed by 10pm. Nice!